Types of binding covers:
Choosing the right cover for any book, magazine or any other content is one of the most important issues that must be carefully chosen in terms of the connection to the pages. In the following, the types of covers in binding are explained, and you can choose the best cover according to your printed product by studying and familiarizing yourself with each one.
The types of covers in binding are as follows:
1- Hard Cover (Hard Cover).
2- Soft cover.
3- A magazine.
4- Spring.

Below is a brief definition of each type of cover and their uses:
1- Hard cover:
In this method, the sheets are first connected using cold glue or devices containing hot glue, and the cover is made separately from thick cardboard, then the connected sheets are connected using a series of connections. They attach to the cover.
Its durability is longer and it is very suitable for exquisite books, books with a high number of pages, dictionaries, etc. Such products are used for hardcover binding.
* Types of hard cover and its uses:
A) Hard cellophane cover: First, the cover is printed separately with very thick cardboards and covered with cellophane and then attached to the book.
b) Hard leather cover: These types of covers are made of leather, and different designs are printed on them in the form of hekaki and gilding, and then they are attached to the book. These types of covers are mostly used for exquisite and valuable books of Quran, Hafez, etc.
C) Hardcover: These covers are made of hardcover (the surface of the paper is coated with moisture-impermeable materials and a layer of authority similar to artificial leather is created) on which the design and writing are hacked by a goldsmithing machine. It is mostly used for theses, receipts, food packaging industries, etc.
2- Soft cover:

In this type of binding, first all the pages are stacked together using glue, then the cover is added to it. This gluing can be done manually using cold glue or using a machine. Special things that contain hot glue should be done at high speed.
The cover used in the binding of the soft cover is made of thin cardboard with great flexibility, and that is why they are called soft cover.
The birth of paperback book printing dates back to World War II, when the American Library Association printed a large number of books during the war and distributed them to the allied soldiers. Books whose most obvious feature was lightness and having a paper cover, and this made the cost of printing and transporting them very convenient for the soldiers. After the end of the World War and after the passing of years, books with paper cover or soft cover became a profitable business in the printing industry and found many audiences.
* Types of soft covers and their applications:

A) Softcover binding with cold glue: The cold glue used in binding is the same wood glue that does not change in cold and heat and is more flexible than hot glue.
b) Softcover binding with hot glue: This glue is like cold glue, with the difference that there are additives in its structure that increase its resistance, and a special device is needed to use this glue.
* Some features of soft cover binding:
– It is used for the preparation of books and is not applicable for magazines because the number of magazine pages is usually small and the use of soft cover binding is not suitable for them.
– The number of leaves that can be connected with this method is unlimited and it can be done up to a diameter of approximately 7 cm. In books with high circulation, a device containing hot glue is used.
* Differences between soft cover and hard cover:
– Soft cover is cheaper than hard cover.
Hard cover is usually used for books that have better paper and quality printing.
– Books with hard covers have a protective cover and their life and durability are higher than soft covers.
Soft cover books are lighter than hard cover books.
– Soft cover books are smaller than hard cover books.
– The flexibility of a book with a soft cover is more than a hard cover.
3- Magazine cover:

Magazine binding is a type in which four pages are printed in one sheet, back and front, and at the end, these printed pages are connected by wire or staple.
* Types of magazine covers:
A) Loop stapler
b) Simple stapler
* Types of magazines:
: A5 – Raqi magazine
This magazine is printed in dimensions of 14.5 x 20 cm and is very popular due to its small size and affordable price.
A4: Rahli magazine
A4 magazines This type of magazine is printed in dimensions of 20 x 29 cm, which is a suitable and standard size for a magazine because there is enough space on the pages for drawing and writing content.
: B5 – Ministerial magazine
This magazine is printed in dimensions of 24 x 17 cm and this size is very popular and suitable for printing books.
: B4- Soltani magazine
This magazine is offered in 24×34 size. Due to its large dimensions and having enough space, they are suitable for introducing services.
– Paltooi magazine:
These magazines are presented in the size of 9.7 x 19.9 and according to the dimensions, they have a low printing cost.
Clay magazine:
Square magazines are very famous and they are printed in square form and look very compact and beautiful.
* Some features of magazine cover binding:
It works for books and magazines with a small number of pages. –
It is considered among cheap bindings. –
This type of binding can be used for large and small circulations. –
It is mostly used for manuals, magazines and pamphlets with few pages. –

– Spring cover binding:
In this method, first all the plates are arranged one after the other and then they are punched by a punching machine and in the last step these plates are connected by a spring, which can be a metal spiral, a plastic spiral or a jelly. It can be a double metal or plastic spring that is produced in different sizes and is available in printing houses.
* Types of spring cover binding:
A) Plastic
b) Double wire
c) Spiral wire
* Some features of spring cover binding:
– One of the characteristics of this type of binding is that it can have a high circulation in a short period of time, in other words, it has a very high speed.
– According to the type and size of the springs, some springs can have up to 100 leaves and others up to 350 leaves.
– In very low circulations, even one cover and large circulations can be used.
Due to the easy rotation of the springs, it is very easy to use the spring books and the pages are completely turned.
One of the most important advantages of spring binding is their high durability in continuous and long-term use.