There are different types of bookbinding in the Iranian market, each of which has its own characteristics and based on the type of application of the product, the life span of the product, the amount of budget and so on. . . It is chosen to include:
1- Full binding (glue)
2- Stitched binding (stitched binding)
3- flat binding (lay-flat)
4- Spring binding (wire or spiral binding)
5- Ring stitch binding (circular coil binding)
6- Stapled binding

Below is a brief explanation of each type of binding:
1- Full binding (glue): It is the most common method in binding and it causes high strength of the printed product. In this method, all the pages are connected to each other with glue.
This type of binding is economical due to the elimination of the costs of embroidery and cover making (from the point of view of production and transportation), but on the other hand, due to the fact that the cover is glued to the spine of the book block, when it is opened, it does not sit flat on the table, and it is also less durable than Hardcover.
2- Stitched binding (stitched binding): this method is one of the simplest binding methods, which provides the possibility of binding one or more forms, and the folded papers are sewn together with thread from the turning part, and this type of binding It has strength and durability. In this method, the product can be bound with a cardboard cover or even without a cover, in which case the first page or the last page of a form or different forms may be considered as the cover. The low cost of this type of binding has made it a suitable option for student pamphlets, workbooks or catalogs, but on the other hand, this stitched binding is only suitable for low number of pages (about 20 to 60 pages).

There are different methods for sewing binding: middle embroidery thread, border embroidery thread or facing, thread stitching.
3- Flat binding (lay-flat): in this method, like the sewing method, all the pages are sewn together and strengthened, but they are never glued to the book. This method is similar to full press, which will be more flat with additional glue between the pages and the cover. If you need to read a book without using your hands or when the inflection size is not suitable for other methods, lay-flat will do it.

4- Spring binding (wire or spiral binding): in this method, which is very attractive and practical, the pages gathered together are pierced at the end with a device and the spiral rings are passed through the holes and the page is They are placed next to each other regularly. This type of binding is usually used in binding school books, educational pamphlets, etc. This binding is plastic wire and spiral wire. The type of plastic binding is rarely used and is almost obsolete in the market.
The point is that in binding and its types, punch holes are used for wire binding. So that the turning of the work is placed under the punching machine and by creating a hole on the work, it provides a platform for placing the wires.
5- Ring stitch binding (circular coil or double wire binding): In this method, which is very similar to spring binding, all pages and covers are punched and then a wire punch is passed through a C.

6- Stapled binding: In this method, which is the simplest and cheapest method of binding and has the same level of durability and durability, all the pages and the cover are placed on top of each other and stapled together. It is also said. This type of binding is usually used for printing catalogs and small books (with low inflection thickness). There are two types of this binding: flat stapler and loop stapler.